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My Favourite Skincare Products - Part Two

08 Feb 2010 - Views - Comment

For my Current Skincare Routine (Updated) click here

I adjust my skincare daily/weekly/seasonally to fit in with what's happening with my skin. These are some of the products I have found that really work for me. Some of them are pretty expensive but as I don't use them everyday I get very long use. I'm not suggesting you use all/any of these but I hope there is something in here that will be helpful to you... whatever your skin type.




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Porter Magazine - Kate Winslet - Yuliagor Bachenko

Porter Magazine - Kate Winslet - Yuliagor Bachenko

Porter Magazine - Kate Winslet - Yuliagor Bachenko

Porter Magazine - Kate Winslet - Yuliagor Bachenko

Porter Magazine - Kate Winslet - Yuliagor Bachenko


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All my products are 100% cruelty free, fragrance free and suitable for sensitive skin